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Scientific Committee : Auby (Jean Bernard) Sciences Po Paris ; De Francesco (Fabrizio) University of Strathclyde, Duran (Patrice) ENS Paris Saclay ; Gibert (Patrick) Université de Paris-Nanterre ;Hostert (Marc) Cour des comptes européenne, Lamarque (Danièle) Cour des comptes européenne,  Mattijs (Jan) Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels  ; Perroud (Thomas) Université de Paris II ; Popelier (Patricia) Antwerp University, Radaelli (Claudio) University of Exeter ; Staronova (Katarina) Comenius University Bratislava..
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Round tables themes (1) Modes and actors of the evaluation (or control) of impact assessments : auditors, watchdog groups, stakeholders, general public. .. What role do they actually play in the process of impact assessment and in its appropriation? Do they contribute to a productive learning effect with regard to the goals assigned to the AIR? Are they on the other hand a source of complexity which would lead to perverse effects in relation to these goals? ... 2) AIR and inter-institutional relations . What are the effects of the practice of AIR on the roles within the Executive? On the relationship between Executive and legislative, on the relationship between public action (central, state, local) levels? On the” managerialisation” of law and the role of the judge... 3 ) AIR and alternative means of making reasoned policy. How stand the AIR within the set formed by the different forms of thinking on improving public policies and their development: ex post evaluations, variou
Review Politiques et Management Public International symposium European Court of Auditors Luxembourg. 23 and 24 November 2017  Regulatory Impact Analysis Scientific Committee : Auby (Jean Bernard) Sciences Po Paris ; De Francesco (Fabrizio) University of Strathclyde, Duran (Patrice) ENS Paris Saclay ; Gibert (Patrick) Université de Paris-Nanterre ;Hostert (Marc) Cour des comptes européenne, Lamarque (Danièle) Cour des comptes européenne, Mattijs (Jan) Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels ; Perroud (Thomas) Université de Paris II ; Popelier (Patricia) Antwerp University, Radaelli (Claudio) University of Exeter ; Staronova (Katarina) Comenius University Bratislava.. CALL FOR PAPERS                                                                Regulatory impact analysis or assessment (RIA) is a public policy instrument that is advocated by the OECD and used by the European Union and in numerous European countries. While various studies  and reports have already been c